Jun 18, 2008

A Saturday in Saint Joseph

Last Saturday, Calvin had to go near San Jose for a Church meeting. We decided to go along so we could spend the day with Ryan, Jen, and the girls. We first went to soccer practice for Madelyn and Brinley. Afterwards, Jen and Ryan took us to the wonderful farmer's market by their home. I found some really good Anaheim peppers, nectarines, and TO MY GREAT SURPRISE...tunas (Prickly Pear fruit.)

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Robisonfamm said...

I so don't know how to shop for fruit...or veggies...but I am really good at eating them. I don't know if you remember that when we had that thanksgiving at my moms that one time, but I sure do know how to eat!! I love food!!

Robisonfamm said...

How are you are guys by the way? Where are you living now?