Jun 18, 2008

Grandpa Kelly had a farm, E-i ei o ...

Sunday afternoon, Calvin, Joanne, Sid, Clint, and I headed to Yuba City to spend Father's Day with Grandpa Kelly. You would think Grandpa lives on a farm by looking at these pictures. The horse and the mule belong to the neighbor, and the hummingbirds come constantly to the feeder, but the chickens are Grandpa's new project. We also brought Gordy and Nala along, and took them for an unsuccessful swimming class at the pool. We found out that Gordy cannot swim, and Nala hates the water :( What else did we do??? Clinton checked the tomato plants, Tiffany and Steve brought baby Ava, so we finally met her. Ron gave Grandpa a new "How to Raise Chickens" book (sorry, did not take a picture of that), and Joanne and Grandpa discussed how to teach Gordy that "GRANDPA'S CHICKENS ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD."

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Chad said...

So, who jumped in to save the dog? Looks like you guys had fun at Grandpa's house. I especially like the picture of Clinton showing off his underwear.

Linda Kelly said...

I'm glad you got to meet Ava for the first time. The chickens are really getting big now. Not so cute anymore. How many roosters does grandpa think he has?? Looks like we will be having chicken on the Bar-b-que soon!!

Mark & Shalon said...

wow, you sure have become quite the blogger! i love all your new posts. looks like a lot of fun. i wish we lived there so we could join in on the fun. we miss you guys!

Kristin Rose said...

Sounds like you had a fun Father's day! I think that is so funny that grandpa got so many chicks. What is he going to do with all the eggs?

Tiffany A. said...

It was fun to visit with you guys for a little while. I wish we could have had more time. Hopefully it won't be too long before we see you again!

The Kelly Family said...

It is starting to look like a farm over there. I can't wait to take the kids and show them the chicks. Grandpa should get some cows, too. Then we could have a really good BBQ.